12 Things We Learned Our First Year of Marriage
1. Make time to spend with one another.
2. Be quick to forgive and quicker to forget.
3. Don’t buy into the lie that your first year of marriage has to be rough.
4. Do not repay evil for evil. Do not try to get back at one another. Just Let It Go!
5. A simple compliment goes a long way.
6. “Connect” as much as possible. *Wink, Wink*
7. Silence is not golden. Talk to each other frequently. And remember your spouse can not read your mind.
8. Give your spouse your undivided attention when they are speaking to you.
9. Maintain relationships with family and friends, even though you are now married!
10. Go on vacation, when possible. When not possible, Go anyway!!
11. The closer you get to God, the Closer you will get to one another.
“It’s not just a cliche”
12. Support your spouse. Interested or not? If not, you soon will be.
These are 12 Things we learned our first year of marriage! We had the best year ever! Yes there were a few difficult times in our lives, but our reliance on God and the above mentioned principles made our first year of marriage sweet.
P.S. We are not claiming to know everything about marriage, we clearly do not. But we are claiming to know what worked for us our 1st year of marriage. We are open to sharing with you as we continue our journey of marriage. Thank you for you prayers:)
We will write a blog/vlog, about each of these to go more into detail.
We hope this helps you if you are already married, preparing for marriage or thinking about getting married one day!!
Which one sticks out to you the most???
BTW Please feel free to share our blog with others:)
With Love and Blessings,
Bruce and Rotoya Goodwin
Maintain relationships with family and friends, even though you are now married! it is interesting that u say this because some people will say that once u and ur spouse are married…its all about u and your spouse. how r u able to still keep a balance between spending time with ur spouse as well as spending time with family and friends?
Hello Tosin! You are exactly right, you often hear its “about you and your spouse” once you are married. But we believe it so important to not disconnect yourself from your family and friends that you have been connected to for years prior to marriage. What we have realized that the dynamics of your relationship with others will change some, but this is normal. Bruce and I do our best to schedule outings and gatherings with our family and/or friends at minimum twice a month. We are learning that you have to be intentional about scheduling the time, because time passes by so quickly. If not careful, you can look up and realize that weeks have passed with out making contact with important people in your life. It may not seem like that much time, but it helps to keep us connected with our family and friends:)
Hi B&R!
Ive been married for 6 years now and completely agree with everything you listed.
Thank you! Congrats on your six down forever to go:)
As always, I’m following you, checking on you, and LOVING you, just as your Mom knew that I would! Continued blessings on you and Bruce’s lives, as you continue to BE a BLESSING to others (All of Us)! I Praise God for your obedience to him, so that we can receive the guidance he wants us to have.
Much love to you both!!
Ms Robin
Ms. Robin!!! Thanks for checking in on us and loving us!! We love you too:)