what i love about you by me

What I Love About You…

First, Bruce and I would like to congratulate all of the recently married, soon-to-be married, and recently engaged folks!! Marriage is AWESOME!!! Of course this is not to say that there will not be challenging moments, and life trials, but with God there is no challenge that the two of you can not face and be victorious over!

Being married is a journey! Day by day you walk this journey with your spouse. We believe it’s important to pause on this journey to reflect on your love for your spouse. In relationships, at one point or another we have all been guilty of “simply going through the motions.” Over time, it is very easy to get comfortable and familiar with one another. We believe that is important to stop and reflect on your love for each other….

During our pre-marital counseling, Bruce and I learned many things that we still utilize up to this day!! (Side Note: To Engaged Couples..Be determined to take in as much wisdom and directives during your pre-marital counseling.  Even though planning a wedding is one of the busiest times of your life, cherish those moments of counsel).  Well in this blog, we wanted to take time to share a simple exercise that we learned in our counseling session. We encourage engaged couples and married couples to do this exercise. We believe that it will be as beneficial to you as it was for us!!

In regards to your fiance’ or spouse, takea day, to write a list answering the question “What I Love About You?  After you both write your lists, plan a special moment where you can sit and share your list. When writing your list try not to limit your thoughts to just the “Big Things”, but think of even the “Little Things” that make your fiance’ or spouse who they are.

I remember when Bruce and I shared our list to each other..I sat there blushing…cracking a smile every other second lol! I was amazed when I heard some of the things on his list.  We were both encouraged, and our hearts enlarged for one another!!

The Pastors that counseled us recommend that we put our list in a special place, and pull the list out in difficult times in our marriage. After you share the list, we suggest that you do the same. You can take your list and frame them or put them in a special place where you can get to them easily.  Your list can also be re-read when you just want to reflect on your love for your spouse.  These lists will be very beneficial for your future!!

Well that’s it!!

We pray that you will take the time do this simple exercise. Have fun, reflecting and sharing!!!

Feel free to comment, we would love to hear from you!!

With Love,
